50. Thousands of Qatari Genomes Inform Human Migration History and Improve Imputation of Arab Haplotypes
Rozaimi Mohamad Razali, Juan Rodriguez-Flores, Mohammadmersad Ghorbani, Haroon Naeem, Waleed Aamer, Elbay Aliyev, Ali Jubran, Qatar Genome Program Research Consortium*, Andrew G. Clark , Khalid A. Fakhro & Younes Mokrab
58. Genetic predisposition to cancer across people of different ancestries in Qatar: a population-based, cohort study
MohamadSaadPhDa*YounesMokrabPhDb*NajeebHalabiPhDe*JingxuanShanPhDefRozaimiRazaliPhDbKhalidKunjiMScaNajeebSyedMSccRamziTemanniPhDhMuruganSubramanianPhDegMicheleCeccarelliPhDij†ProfArashRafii TabriziMDefDavideBedognettiMDdProfLotfiChouchane
59. A population study of clinically actionable genetic variation affecting drug response from the Middle East
Puthen Veettil Jithesh, Mohammed Abuhaliqa, Najeeb Syed, Ikhlak Ahmed, Mohammed El Anbari, Kholoud Bastaki1, Shimaa Sherif, Umm-Kulthum Umlai, Zainab Jan , Geethanjali Gandhi1, Chidambaram Manickam, Senthil Selvaraj, Chinnu George, Dhinoth Bangarusamy